lka 27th November 2012

Simon was a presence that was always there in the background; someone whose name came up wherever and whenever occupational health was discussed amongst British campaigners. I had the chance to meet him in person only once - at a meeting in London. It was great to finally have the opportunity to talk to him in person but I regret that my time with him was so short. When I first heard that Simon had mesothelioma I found it very hard to process this knowledge. Unfortunately, even though his exposure to asbestos was short, it was deadly. It seems impossible that someone who spent his life fighting for the rights of people to be protected from hazards at work would die of this disease. I would like to extend my sympathy to Simon's family and friends in the UK and abroad. Simon was a rare individual - his work has benefited so many people, most of whom will never know that their working conditions had been improved thanks to the unstinting efforts of a man named Simon Pickvance.