Poem for Simon
Created by valbinney 12 years ago
Boys' Nights Out
(written in the voice of one of those 'boys')
Eight years over pints
in the Grindstone,
we debated the state
of the world, books,
the highs and lows
of midlife, until your chemo
forced us to afternoon coffee,
instead. Two years on
the final retreat, your living room,
your too thin haunches
propped on rubber cushion,
oxygen cylinder at your side,
the space ever widening
between us, the living, and you
riding your ghost horse down
the last few lanes to your end.
In a reverie, counting each breath
in and out, until Steve recalls
the rare waxwing he saw,
alerting you to old loves.
Bulletins pass between us
several times a day:
'he is sinking fast,
only a few days left;
that was a false alarm;
he is too ill to visit today'.
Ready to drop everything,
our hearts riding the register,
up and down, huddled
in Remo's cafe, beside
your empty chair, I recall
unknowingly, our last visit,
your hand on my arm,
more powerful than words.
Val Binney, November 2012