Ordering deliveries from Beanies!

Created by stevekinneavy 12 years ago
My memories of Simon are of knowing him over the last 24 years as firstly, a customer of Beanies, and then a fellow parent of the Woodcraft Folk group in Crookes. Simon was without doubt one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet. Many hours were spent by me and other co-op workers in Beanies trying to get him to write his order down before ringing it in to us. He would call and then start walking around and around his kitchen looking for things that he needed for next weeks menu, keeping us amused and frustrated in the same measure. His boffin style oddness was so endearing that any attempt to steer the conversation onto him being a tad more organised was always batted away, with a slightly gruff "next time". I hope Simon finds peace after being ill for such a long time and send deepest sympathies to all his family. He will be missed by so many and had such a huge impact on many people's lives, past, present and future. Steve, Allie, Howard, Christian, Rowan and Gabriel Kinneavy